Zeitlose Fotoshootings
an der Ostsee

Halte deine besonderen Momente mit einer warmen, künstlerischen Note in Heiligenhafen und Umgebung fest

Fotografie, die DEINE GESCHICHTE erzählt, in deinen eigenen Worten

Über mich

Vor einigen Jahren hat mich die Liebe aus Lettland nach Heiligenhafen zu meinem Mann gebracht, und die Schönheit dieser Region inspiriert mich zu mehr Kreativität. Mit über 10 Jahren Erfahrung in Porträt- und Lifestyle-Fotografie konzentriere ich mich darauf, authentische, herzliche Momente einzufangen, die sich nach dir anfühlen.

Mein Stil ist warm und zeitlos filmähnlich - ich nutze weiches Licht, durchdachte Kompositionen und echte Emotionen, um Fotos zu erschaffen, die du für immer schätzen wirst.

Lass uns gemeinsam etwas Unvergessliches kreieren!

Nette Worte von Kunden

Liebe Agita, wow! Vielen Dank für die wundervolle und schnelle Arbeit. Wir sind total begeistert und verliebt in deine Fotos von uns als Familie & Tausend Dank fur die extra Bilder wir freuen uns wahnsinnig über jedes einzelne Foto!

- Lea

”Dear Agita, These Photos are so beautiful, I've cried a little Bit! We're very happy about them!!! We're so thankful for your talent as a photographer 💝”

- Jessica and Manuel

”Agita is an incredibly talented photographer. Not only did she put me at ease completely, but she knew exactly how to direct me in order to get the best shots and seemed to do so effortlessly. I was also impressed by the locations she had planned for the shoot and how she knew just where to place me to make the most of the natural light and surroundings. I really enjoyed shooting with Agita and love my photos too!”

- Alice

”It's been such an experience with Agita! I gifted to myself an individual photoshoot by the seaside. I highly appreciated that Agita helped me with choosing the outfit, suggested preferable colours and answered all my questions. In this vulnerable process, she guided me completely and that made me feel extremely comfortable when I received the result, it was such a variety of beautiful photos! I'm happy to look at them even after a few years. Thank you, Agita - you see things beautifully and it's so easy to work with you!”

- Marite

”Agita is more than just a photographer. She captures the invisible light within a person, elevating your self-worth and self-esteem. With her work and attitude, she transforms the way people look at themselves. By far, Agita is the best, most delicate, and talented photographer you could ever hire to capture your memorable moments.”

- Paula

”Really recommend Agita as your couples photo session photographer! It was our first session as a couple and just a photography one in general (we both were camera shy but photos don't look it). She gave good guidelines for choosing outfits, the location and helped us feel comfortable throughout the session (even in the rain!!). Photos are wonderful and still stand test of time. Agita, thank you again!”

- Sandra

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